Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Blogroll Updates

As mentioned yesterday, I updated the Blogroll to some new stuff and some stuff I neglected to put in earlier.

New adds:
Seth Godin - genius on small business, marketing, promotion, and thinking about your work

Gretchen Rubin - The habits lady - has a couple of good books and podcast about happiness and habits

Robb Wolf - The Paleo diet guy.  Has an interesting podcast too.

Athol Kay - The Professional Married Guy - Tells you the secrets of how to get the marriage you wanted, hint you both have to do some work.  Great stuff, videos, forum, blog, etc etc..

Gapingvoid - The art and thoughts of Hugh MacLeod

Getting Things Done - the homebase of David Allen's system.

Go check them out and expand your mind.  All good stuff, I promise!

Day 2 - longest streak of continuous posting since I started this blog in 2000.  Got to start somewhere...right?

Until tomorrow...

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